How to Leave Google Reviews
Help us help others. Please take a moment to rate your experience with us and let us know how we're doing. Your feedback helps us create the best possible patient experience for both you and our future patients.
Step 1
Go to OR the Google Maps App and type in our name and city.
True Motion Chiropractic London, Ontario
Step 3
Pick however many stars you would like to rate our services...
..and write a review of your experience with us. Provide as many details as you're comfortable with.
If you were asked to sign into Google+ first, please go to Step 4.
Step 4
Please sign-in to your Google+ account
Don't have a Google+ account or not sure? Click "create account" if you're on your phone then "more options" and click "create new account."
Take 2-3 minutes and follow the steps for creating a Google+ account. Once you have an account you can publish your review!